Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 1, Photo 1

I have been told on more than one occasion lately I am just like my mom - I look like her or I laugh like or I talk like her. I by no means consider this a bad thing. My mom is and has been an incredible mother and I only hope years from now my girls will think of me the way I think of my mom. But as for my photo, here is yet another example of how I am just like my mom. I find myself making a pot of coffee usually mid-afternoon just to get through the rest of the day. This is after I have a pretty big cup in the morning and occasionally I'll even have a cup after dinner. I haven't quite worked up tolerance to the point of making more than one full pot a day!! (and no offense, but I hope I never need as much coffee as my mom - that's one trait I'd rather do without)

1 comment:

  1. If it's any consolation to you, I find myself becoming more and more like Daddy. When I get really frustrated with the boys, I say, "I'm going to pull a Joseph Guthrie on you" and then I do. My handwriting looks just like his. I'm starting to have more and more heartburn too (hopefully that will be the extent of the health similarities).
