Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 24, Photo 24

WARNING: Hot Popcorn WILL melt plastic!!

From 2010 - A Year in Photos

From 2010 - A Year in Photos

I'm sure a lot of you are laughing and saying "duh!!" but it never occurred to me that pouring a relatively fresh popped bag of microwave popcorn would melt through a plastic bag. After popping popcorn for my snack I poured about half of the bag into my bowl and the remaining I began to pour in a plastic storage bag. As I shook the baggie to get the popcorn to settle to the bottom so as to get all of it to fit I noticed the unpopped kernels were sort of stuck to the sides of the bag. Upon a closer look I realized they were stuck because they had melted through the plastic bag.

This unexpected event reminded me of another unexpected result involving melting caramels to make your own icecream topping. Take it from me and my siblings - it doesn't work!

1 comment:

  1. What a coincidence, I've done both of those things! Now you need to tell the caramel story.
