Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16, Photo 16

From 2010 - A Year in Photos

We took advantage of another beautiful day outside today. After taking a leisurely walk around the neighborhood we decided to go on a little adventure to the creek which marks our back property line. Gabrielle had no idea it even existed.

It is always interesting how simple things can bring up so many memories and feelings. The last time Ed and I were even back at the creek was when our house was being built. It was probably a little later in the year but not by much. All afternoon I have been thinking about Daddy. It will be 6 years in February he passed away. Ed and I started building our home, got engaged and planned a wedding all at the same time Daddy was sick. Sadly we were not married before he passed but he at least was able to give Ed permission to ask for my hand in marriage and got to hear about the house as well. So that's what has been on my mind all evening all because of a little walk down to the creek.

1 comment:

  1. Wow it's amazing how something in your own backyard can go unnoticed for so long isn't it. I always think about that Daddy's cancer because of the NFL playoffs. I remember watching the Panthers run to the Super Bowl in the hospital. I hadn't thought much about until this evening when I was checking out scores. Tomorrow I'm going down to Island to take some pics. It will be strange as always. Wish he was here.
