Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 56, Photos 56

Gabrielle loves to color and draw. For the past week she has been going to her little table a lot more frequently to sit and draw on her own. I love seeing her creativity on paper! As I was sorting through my craft supplies for an upcoming yard sale I came across a Crayola circle stencil. Gabrielle asked if she could have it and has loved creating her people with it. Once I showed her how it worked she did the rest completely on her own. I was surprised at how well she did with it. Here are some of her creations.

This is the first time I noticed her drawing five fingers for hands instead of the usual circles.

This one cracked me up. The lines in the mouth are not teeth - they are germs! I have no idea where she gets these things!

My sister sent me a link where I could print off lined paper with dotted or dashed letters for Gabrielle to learn how to write. This was the very first time she has ever done anything like this. I helped her with a good bit of the top line but the rest she did on her own. I was proud at how well she did for the first time, especially since some of the dotted letters were difficult to distinguish from the "lined paper". Gabrielle is going to love school once we finally get her in one. I wish I took more time to do stuff like this with her. She absolutely loves it.

And more people. This time she made circles for the ears and smaller circles inside the bigger circles for the eyeballs.
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1 comment:

  1. The handwriting page is really neat. She did a fabulous job. Will you please send me the link?
